Sunday, January 24, 2010



Another buzz on bees.
I am sure that you have heard about Royal Jelly and you know that it comes from the busy little bees; and you must know how good it is for you. But do you know about how it is made and all the health benefits it has?
How it is made. The queen bee is fed a thick white, creamy liquid that is secreted by the hypo pharyngeal glands of the worker bees. Which is made of honey and pollen and these two ingredients are then mixed with enzymes from the hypo pharyngeal gland that is in the throat. This liquid is known as Royal Jelly. The Royal Jelly is the only food that the queen bee thrives on all her life. That is the reason the queen bee lives 4 to 5 years longer than the worker bees. The worker bee’s life is only 4 to 6 weeks.
Nutrition in Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly has an abundance of proteins and it has eight essential amino acids. There are important fatty acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorous compounds and acetylcholine. There is an immune system stimulator called gamma globulin. Royal Jelly also has Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12; it is high in pantothenic acid, which aids in lowing stress levels. Royal Jelly also has vitamin C, D and E, biotin, folic acid and Inositol. The minerals in Royal Jelly are calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, silicon and sulphur.
Health Benefits of Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly strengthens the bones, helps relieve depression, is good for high blood pressure, strengthens the endocrine system, anaemia, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, hormonal imbalance, aids in healing wounds, strengthens weak or tired eyes, infections, inflammation, liver ailments and menopause. It is also good for Parkinson’s disease, wrinkles, retarded growth is children, improves memory, mental fatigue, impotence, panic attacks and infertility.
Side Effects
As healthy as Royal Jelly is, it may cause an allergic reaction to those that have an allergy to pollen. One could have an asthmatic attack, break out in hives (no pun intended) and even anaphylactic shock, or if you take too much royal jelly at one time. Before ingesting any food, vitamins, minerals, etc. make sure that you are not allergic. This can be done by muscle testing.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Without our busy little bees stirring up the pollen our plants, trees and flowers would seize to exist.
Bee pollen is the richest and purist food that Mother Earth has gifted us. It has many nutrients and is medicinal.
Bee pollen contains the richest source of vitamins, such as C, E and Bs. It has minerals, proteins, amino acids, beta carotene, hormones, enzymes and fatty acids. What more could you ask for in a food?

These teeny weenie yellowish orange graduals help in weight lose, increase energy, enhances the immune system, and prevents cancer and other dis-eases. Also it aides in indigestion, improves sexual function, has been know to slow the aging process, relieves allergies and asthma symptoms.

Bee pollen graduals can be eaten alone, or mixed in a smoothie, plain yoghurt (no sugar), in a fresh juice, sprinkled on cereal or salad. It also comes in capsule or pill form.


As the busy little bees move around from flower to flower or blossom to blossom the bee is collecting pollen on its legs. Bees secrete nectar and special enzymes onto the flower pollen to create what is known as bee pollen. A bee keeper will place a special apparatus in the entrance of the hive that brushes off the pollen from the bee’s hind legs, thus it is collected in a container.

If you are being bothered by bees, call a qualified person or a bee keeper in your area to remove the bees and relocate them. Know you know why we need our bees.

Sunday, November 8, 2009



Honey is a much more superior to sugar or any artificial sweetener, because it contains anti-oxidants, iron, copper, manganese, potassium, enzymes, vitamin B6, Riboflavin, Omega-3 thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, certain amino acids, phosphorus, sodium, zinc and calcium. Honey is also a natural antibiotic and is beneficial for many health problems such as: - stomach ulcers and mouth ulcers, conjunctivitis, athletes foot, burns, sores, coughs, skin infections, cancer, liver dis-ease, constipation, sinusitis, hypertension, fluid retention, free radicals, asthma, heart dis-ease, tuberculosis, sore throat, diarrhoea and bronchitis.

Honey can be used topically for cuts, acne, wounds and burns, by applying it to piece of cotton and securing with tape to the wound. Honey will support the colon, spleen, lungs, spleen/pancreas, stomach, eyes, feet, the respiratory system, mouth and the immune system. It can also prevent colon cancer and lower blood pressure.

Honey’s antibacterial properties prevent infections and it works as an anti-inflammatory. It can also prevent scaring. Honey has a healthy Glycaemia Index (GI) which can be absorbed easily into the blood stream for better digestions. Honey is less of a strain on the pancreas to suddenly produce large amount of insulin. Honey is less likely to a have peeks and valleys in insulin\sugar cure.
Also with honey there is less likely of hypoglycaemia.

Buying pure honey can be very tricky. Some honey comes with sugar, corn syrup, corn starch, water, or other fillers, which means that it is not 100% pure.

Honey should be purchased from your local bee keeper. Eating one tablespoon of local organic honey and preferably raw, is a great health benefit for those with environmental allergies such as pollen.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Your Health is your Responsibility

You are responsible for your own health decisions. All information that is shared on this blog is for educational use only.

I Megan C. Tingen do NOT assume liability for information being shared in any of these articles.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Some of the articles that you will find here will be written by myself or another author. Also there will be several excerpts from my unpublished book. (Soon to be publish)

(Aloe barbadensis)

The plant, Aloe Vera should be in every home and be kept close to the kitchen or on the veranda. The leaf can be cut at the base of the plant, slice lengthwise and scoop out the gel and apply to a burn, insect bites (all types), wounds, scald, bruises, sunburns, skin irritations, x-ray burns, haemorrhoids, softens corns, and cures some fungal skin infections. Aloe Vera is good for healing peptic ulcers, expel intestinal worms, liver, and gastro intestinal problems, aids indigestion, acid reflex and boosts the immune system, fights AIDS, helps fight cancer, can be used for heartburn, arthritis, rheumatism pain, spleen and asthma. Will lower blood sugar levels, helps relieve congestion, liver ailments such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. Aloes is also good for those that have colitis, kidney infections, urinary tract infections, prostate, and a potent source of detoxifying the whole body. It will hydrate the skin, regenerate the tissues, combats chronic fatigue and will help skin problems such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. This mighty plant can clean the colon and soothes herpes.
Scoop out the gel and put in the blender with a cup of water, mix well and drink. If the taste is not desirable add your favourite natural juice instead of water. The best way of taking aloe is directly from the plant.
A WORD TO THE WISE: - Aloe should not be digested during pregnancy.
(this is an excerpt from my book) Mother Earth’s Pharmacy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009